[Linux] Prompt 관리

Linux 2017. 12. 5. 09:25

0. Ref


 Ref. Url 




1. Basic configuration

1. Display username, hostname and current working directory in the prompt

The PS1 in this example displays the following three information in the prompt:

  • \u – Username
  • \h – Hostname
  • \w – Full path of the current working directory
-bash-3.2$ export PS1="\u@\h \w> "

ramesh@dev-db ~> cd /etc/mail
ramesh@dev-db /etc/mail>

2. Setting

(1) Open bash
vi ~/.bashrc

(2) add PS1


PS1="\e[0;32m[giggs@\w]$ \e[m"

export PS1 



save image

(3) reload bash

source ~/.bashrc

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Posted by kissuu